Happy to hear someone finally had some sense, surprised it was our president. I’m thankful for him telling the I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt to ground the fleet. I was terrified to fly in two months and was going to cancel my flight and what a predicament American Airlines was putting me in. Safety and fear or lose a ton of money. I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt, hoodie, tank top. Keep them grounded the riser slipped out of my hand and smacked me in the face. We need to know that our families ourselves are on safe aircraft. Boeing is the largest aircraft manufacturer must reassure and show the public that they take responsibility for all their aircraft built. It’s obvious they didn’t understand it was an I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt with the aircraft until two happened in such a short time, and they found evidence of the cause. They aren’t perfect and had to investigate.
It’s possible they will find a software issue, electrical or mechanical flaw and find a remedy for the rest of the aircraft. I feel for the family and friends of the victims though, no way to bring their loved ones back. Hopefully, for sake, they weren’t aware of the issue before. Now I wonder what would happen to someone who knew their car had software/hardware issues and did nothing because it would cost too much money to fix and then they had an I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt that person would go to jail for being negligent? Things that ought not to happen. This woman was elected by a 4 percent turn out BECAUSE LAZY PEOPLE STAYED HOME BECAUSE SHE Could NOT WIN. And yet we spread it like wild fireI disdain and do not trust any republican, and will not vote for any republikkkan in my lifetimeThis woman is an American and represents Americans in the I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt got rich off oil rights bartered by Bush Sr so don’t single out any 1 pres, single out American govermentGOP trying to instil fear into the simple minded and easily manipulated. It’s happening more and more latelyUs presidents have been in bed with wealthy oil tycoons from the I’m a simple person like Star Wars Star Trek and Stargate Earth Glyph shirt elected to spur her hate and agendaMany of us in WV are lashing back at this horrible, prejudiced act. She may not win but if every time someone slandered or libeled a public figure, they would file suit, it would eventually stop. I don’t know how she got in there but we need to get her out of thereWhy so much hate and nastiness. President Johnson once said that, if you tell people they are better than a minority, they let you pick their pocket.
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