Doesn’t support his comments because he got caught duh Why are they only noting Representative Tlaib’s comment. If he wants us to believe that Bugs Bunny and Lola shirt has changed, then Michael Cohen must also be believed when he made changed his statements about Trump. So if you made racist comments in your past therefore you must still be a racist. By his own logic that Bugs Bunny and Lola shirt displayed yesterday against Michael Cohen once a liar always a liar. This guy has shown his racism years ago and yesterday by disrespecting this woman. This guy was so obnoxious to make this woman stand there so he could parade her like a trophy to make what point that because she works at the White House Trump is not racist. The tea party did nothing but obstruct at every turn and now they get on their knees to suck the Bugs Bunny and Lola shirt change their mind and it’s all forgotten Once a racist, always a racist.
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If it walks like a racist duck and quacks like a racist duck, it’s a racist duck. When he said he’s got biracial nieces and nephews so he can’t be racist Okay Mr. Yesterday, he refused to afford the Bugs Bunny and Lola shirt forgiving grace to Cohen, but now he wants us to extend that same exact forgiving grace to him. He doesn’t endorse who he was as a person 7 years ago, maybe his constituents shouldn’t endorse who he is as a person right now. What Goes Around Come Around I Guess You Forgotten About What You Had Said Racists hate when you point out their racism. Those stones hurled yesterday sure unearthed some glass in the Bugs Bunny and Lola shirt speaks to. Wait I am lost and confused this is beyond me I’m not prejudice, I have brown people in my family Yet until that hearing he never admitted it publicly. As a stroke survivor, never have heard of anyone to survive a massive stroke at least without major damage. thought this news would come but so very sad. I want to tell everyone to please learn the warning signs of an impending stroke. Does anyone know how long he was found after having the stroke? I know that the Naughty Bugs Lola Bunny Butt Slap Rabbit shirt is extremely important. My stepfather had a massive stroke and I watch him go from having good days too bad days when we heard good news then 3 days later he passed away it was crazy and upsetting I know the families pain cuz I went through it was a very hard thing.
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