Maybe she didn’t narrowly miss the Deadpool jordan jumpman air shit. Maybe as an experienced stunt woman, she avoided them and gave her life to save them. Sounds better than a senseless accident, doesn’t it? This is a heartbreaking story. Despite all the advances in technology stunt work is still dangerous, stunt workers deserve recognition from the Academy awards just like everyone else in the industry special effects. So tragic that’s at least two top tier stunt actors in the last year. They take mental risks and do what they love for an industry that brings joy and entertainment to millions. I’m so sorry to her family and the cast and crew for their loss! Stunt people make action movies as fun as they are and deserve credit for the danger they take on so the Deadpool jordan jumpman air shirt, hoodie, tank top. I think Deadpool should honor this poor woman during the film like just stop the entire story for a minute in the film and go silent to remember her and honor her. That’s the second stunt person to die in a couple of months. I think it’s time to look at why and to maybe adjust the level of riskiness these people are taking.
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