There we have it – more hate speech from a bloke who can’t stand a woman with a point of view. I’m not your sweetheart, you fool. You’re also a coward who’s taken his crappy misogynistic comment down. All the tourists also didn’t respect boundaries and trails and ended up doing some fairly severe ecological harm as well. There has to be some sort of increased monitoring in the Elephant People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me shirt, hoodie, tank top, otherwise, blooms like these won’t occur again. Most natural areas in the States take a serious beating from tourists. The majority of people, usually the Americans, on holiday in these areas are complete imbeciles when it comes to being civilized and using common sense. We don’t call ’em tourons for anything. I hate to hear that about the people in my country. I hope it isn’t true but I saw how so many took ATVs into one of the National Parks during the last government shut down and did damage that will take hundreds of years for Mother Earth to repair and they filled the Elephant People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me Shirt with trash and literally crapped in the parking lots. People like that have no respect for nature and should stay the hell home. Are they having a sale on all the Elephant People Seriously We All Know It’s Never Going To Happen Shirt and sandals left outside the mosque yet?
Just like the previous owners, these prices have been cut in half. To be honest I’m too busy working trying to earn enough money so my family has got a roof over their heads and food in their belly’s. why do some people feel the need to destroy lives over religion, I don’t understand it peace and love to every human being on this planet my god forgive you. I can’t agree with what seems to be no terrorists’ jihadist hate speech from some above, followers of the warmonger jihadist imperialist prophet. If any Muslim did this manifests? What are the Elephant People Seriously We All Know It’s Never Going To Happen Shirt to the thought of thorns and thorns? Where was security, it seems a planned attack. when bloody terrorists complete his mission then security came in action? Information correctly before pointing fingers on someone about his background otherwise people will miss everything and this type of incident people take more advantages about it because they know if we do something like this all blame will go to religion because people are so stupid that’s why I am saying it that guy has nothing to do with religion.
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