President Trump knows thousands of people, she sold the Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because im short shirt knows any Democrats. It’s funny that they want to ban straws so badly yet they grasp so tightly to them with Trump. CNN The ex wife of a dude who used to have a hotdog stand saw Trump eat borscht once. CNN should track down all of the Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because im short shirt have purchased meals from Subway sandwiches because Jared Fogle, a convicted sex offender, was once the chain’s spokesman. Okay there has to be a point when you trump supporters have to even say there’s just to many coincidences. News flash trump is going to be re elected in 2020 congratulations Mr president four more years of winning oh yeahImagine that. It’s gotten to be that Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because i’m short shirt, hoodie, tank top know without a doubt it’s true. Oh when he was at mara largo she was with THUMPI interesting and where was Thumpis wife,wow Thumpi is knee deep into ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS. Trump probably knew her personally too Trump was seen with the second cousin to the third cousin of the fourth in line uncle who knew Al Capone’s bodyguard’s sister in law.
click here to get it: Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because i’m short
So you’re click bait is trying to show that Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because im short shirt knew the spa owner would be linked to Kraft 19 days after this picture. And what does this matter, I am lowering my standards also by replying to a CNN post, but, that doesn’t put me in the same lowlife status as you. Trump had nothing to do with this arrest, but because he watched the super bowl with the guy, they had to make Trump look bad. Trump and his boys said they gonna make Kraft pay for hanging and dancing around with blacksCNN is really digging deep. Trump once had dinner with the Don’t flatter yourself i only look up to you because im short shirt had someone killed in the alley behind it. If your head was on fire I wouldn’t waste my urine to put the fire out. The media and educational institutions are programming you for your illogical thoughts and hatred. Michelle Bliss Harman people like you are the Don’t Flatter Yourself I Only Look Up To You Because I’m Short Shirt are easily conned Your ignorance to these issues is the real problem. And believing that Newspapers and News on TV are wrong and lying is one out of the book by Hitler.
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