Who needs security anywayswhat the She has beauty, she has grace, she has resting bitch face shirt does it make if you are whatever to get on an airplane. It sure would be horrible if when TSA or other government agencies need to try to find a possible gender and they just put unknown. If ur a middle age man dressed up like a high school girl ur sick in the head. Just eliminate the She has beauty, she has grace, she has resting bitch face shirt doesn’t matterThese people are delusional and belong in a mental instition. You wanna be gay, queer, fag, lesbo, dyke, tranny, whatever they call it these days, The fact will never change, there are only 2 genders. This crap in the comment section was the same idiocy spewed 20 years ago. I think people’s drivers licence should say Transvestite M F or Transvestite F M or something like if they want to be labeled what they are. If there is a security reason to know someone’s specific biological anatomical gender then there should be only two choices Male or Female. I don’t care what you identify as, just tell me what your chromosomes say. I just don’t get it how the She has beauty, she has grace, she has resting bitch face shirt do you not think your at least a man or a women. They should try this in the Middle East countries I don’t care what a person wants to identify as but really lol smh. May I also suggest we have one of the Stewart’s to be fully trained in gender counseling.
Michael Shirhall always makes me smile americans proudly proclaiming their country is not a democracy brJessica Cecilia Motley Same misspelled spiel from earlier. Jay Walters great that She has beauty, she has grace, she has resting bitch face shirt asked do you think trade negotiations work like trump thinks. Brian Crews Doesn’t do much good when alll those businesses care about is helping themselves instead of their employees. It’s because the She has beauty, she has grace, she has resting bitch face shirt of the American people letting loserBama and the DemodestroyUSA party that almost destroyed our Country is exactly why President Trump won. These far leftist have always wanted to destroy America, because they are just miserable destructive characters. You obvious don’t understand trump politicsLee Tatt Seng Obama in the White House was the testament to the stupidity of the American people and it’s broken democratic system.
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