He saved the US econony from what was imminent death. Dabbing Unicorn Teacher Besties Because Going Crazy Alone Is Just Not As Much Fun. However, we should know that Trump is an even better president. Finally, we should know that Trump has been the best US president ever even though he has had anyone and everyone attacking him from every which angle imaginable. They are not interested in working together to make this country get again !! They just want to fight, divide, and they are so worried about accusing & trying to find ways to stop anything good !! We need to work on getting things done for the greater good ! How about we get rid of anyone who isn’t doing something good for the people, good for America. Since the left leaning media will never do this, I will. Dabbing Unicorn Teacher Besties Because Going Crazy Alone Is Just Not As Much Fun. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say, President Trump, I’m so sorry that not only are you serving under the harshest criticism and scrutiny, but you’re being harassed. What resonates with your supporters is your love and loyalty to America. Prayers wont help a chemical imbalance in your brain.
The bible wont save someone from killing themselves. When you’re in that frame of mind, you are 100% convinced the world would be better without you. Your kids, your spouse, your family, your friends. Nothing will change it otherwise but seeking out help, getting the necessary resources to help you cope. The bible and prayers have done nothing for me and I lost what little faith I started with Teacher besties unicorn dabbing because going crazy alone is just not as much fun shirt when I was 10 and had my first attempt. I was raised with religion but never stopped questioning it and when I did try to see whatever it is every religious person saw, nothing happened. What did do something was seeing a mental health counselor, as well as trial and erroring medications. And the fact that some kid mentioned muslim faith and y’all laughed at him and made angry faces, yeah you suck fat dong. Religion is shit, you don’t even follow what your religion says. Truth in every word, for all of you who don’t believe trust me I’ll still pray for you, even when you don’t want me to. Y’all have so much to live for, a life that has so much in it, y’all are gifts to others, you weren’t born by mistake. Prayer works, God is real. Keep your faith what worked for me was a professional therapist since I had no support or open minded understanding of what I was dealing with from Christians (like most on this thread judging me and my faith and dont know nothing about me) and non Christians. My doctor didn’t want me on meds however it was a 10 year journey of counseling and seeking support and understanding from individuals going thru. Religion is one of the first things that triggered my depression. Teacher besties unicorn dabbing because going crazy alone is just not as much fun shirt So no. It’s not. Because it makes no sense and it’s evil. Then you see everything else for what it is. So thanks religion causes depression to flare
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