I caution the “we don’t need them” stand…if we didn’t need them.. we would be running IND right now.. we need them and they need us… but.. there is a lot against us.. like what you just showed me because even my clinical inspection of tactics missed that one. and that subtle tactic does add to the whole wider suppression angle Bernie sanders 2020 shirt they are using this time around. That is stupid news. Democracy Now, while not flashy, Amy Goodman tells you the truth…good, bad and the ugly. CNN is full of repeated sound bites and they just debate each other. Stupid. FOX is at the top of Stupid news. Even with the townhall coming up Monday with Bernie, they will find a way to discredit him, I bet. but less advertising than they provided for all others is the point here… and if its like the one they did with him and Cruz.. they wont really do him justice if they can manage it. Bernie Sanders for president 2020 shirt, hoodie, tank top. I am talking about the banner that ALL of the corporate shill candidate got for weeks before their unwatched town halls. Get it? the time will come when we have to spread the message to people face to face. We will engage people who have stopped participating. We have to be prepared with knowledge for any questions the public may have. From what I’ve seen, there are plenty of informed Sanders supporters. It seems like there are more this time than there were for the last campaign. our healthcare is not on top at the moment.. Its a priority and budget issue.. But basic needs you always get help for.
Link to get it now: Bernie Sanders for president 2020
But special care takes longer today because we have to few specialist doctors and nurses to cover up.. We have in few years growed 500.000 more People + in our country. So it takes some years to educate and have enough healthcare Workers and beds again (im working myself just under a Nurse with sick People but i treat them at Their homes yet.) My biggest gripe is they got rid of the certificates of achievement – you only get a key ring thing for 5 %, 10% and goal I think so we aren’t celebrating people’s successes for half stones and stones etc which is really sad. The original method of eating real food worked best and was faster. The Bernie Sanders Captain America punch Donald Trump feel the bern shirt are ok but it’s not meals. Plus too expensive to just get weighed in. Lucky I saved all the very old forms to follow.I’ve done weight watchers and the slimming world, I found them both pushy towards buying their meals, snacks etc. I’ve got no problem with it being called weight watchers. As I called them both fat club. As that’s why we were all there. As a successful Weight Watcher leader for 10 years running very busy meetings and who only left because of the changes that started within the company this was inevitable and makes me very sad. I loved my job but the powers that be were not listening to the boots on the ground running meetings and whose members were saying for years they did not like the changes. I wonder what the wonderful original founder would make of it! Sweets that send you running to the Bernie Sanders Captain America punch Donald Trump feel the bern shirt if you eat too many, overpriced crisps. it’s a real shame, the fellow customers are nice, the person running the group is nice but you can tell this rebrand does not sit comfortably.
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