George Komanecky Traitor Trump and his brain dead campaign managers met with Russian spies 200 times during the campaign. If they were not breaking the law and conspiring to rig the Izuku Midoriya That wasn’t very Plus Ultra of You shirt what were they doing, having gay Russian male sex? Traitor Trump has no respect for the law or the truth. He has lied to Americans over 10,000 times and you believe every one of them, idiot. Shana Elizabeth it’s just like the Republicans not being satisfied when a Democrat, especially Obama was in office! The day after Obama took office Mitch McConnell said they would block everything he tried to do! Shana Elizabeth, I see when you leftists have nothing to contribute you always run to the race card. It is disgusting what liberals have become and why Democrats have lost 1200 seats nationally to Republicans over the last 10 years. Jacqueline Burns, how the hell could republicans block anything when Obama got elected since the Democrats controlled both the House and Senate. You liberals need to understand history and how the government works. Pathetic. Karin Tillinger I haven’t heard one person say they were against the Izuku Midoriya That wasn’t very Plus Ultra of Youshirt coming out. President Trump said he is in favor of it coming out. It isn’t even going to the White House first. People are nuts or hard of hearing.
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Dana Sniff Hey dummy, I wasn’t speaking about Barr’s view. You automatically assumed that since he was Bush’s 41 AG he automatically sides with the Bush’s and their views. That is not true a Real President has people who have different or opposing views among his ranks to keep him in check, and also listens to those views and makes educated decisions. Trump has neither, He doesn’t listen to other people, if he does, they mirror his view and hasn’t made one educated decision, except what his fat gut says. Trumps trusts a 3 world Dictator then his intelligence people. Lyndell Summitt Well, you know and I know most of the left that will read your comment will let you comment go in one ear and out the other. Others will have some ridiculous comment. Hey snowflakes, if you like what New Zealand’s government is doing feel free to go and live there. If you think the My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya That Wasn’t Very Plus Ultra Of You Shirt make them safer, feel free to move there. If you remove weapons from the people, violent crime, including mass shootings, will always increase. So y’all wanna trust Trump to play nice with an unarmed society all of a sudden. You only stop the My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya That Wasn’t Very Plus Ultra Of You Shirt are for stopping the bad guys. Because unlike the US, NZ is not owned by corporations and the NRA does not fund presidential campaings.
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