Nothing to do with no fear of prosecution or real punishment then. Our justice system and sentencing along with the judges that dish them out need a complete reform. Rex Dinosaur soccer mom before the game during the game shirt, hoodie, tank top. The Rex and T-Rex Soccer mom before the game soccer mom the during game shirt is technically a holiday home which you can get out half a sentence early for not getting into trouble. Oh, wait for no sorry let’s blame funding years ago blacks said why are the police always stopping and searching black people it’s racist so now more blacks are killing more blacks after less stop and search. She has no children to cry for so she doesn’t know how much it hurts to lose a child every child lost is a lamp put out for the future Enough of this knife killing.
Link to get it at: Rex Dinosaur soccer mom before the game during the game
I don’t know why if you feel powerful to kill you can feel the Rex and T-Rex Soccer mom before the game soccer mom the during game shirt to surrender yourself to the law why run away to many mad insane people on the streets then explain why when they were informed about pedophile rings, they did not act, yet had more officers. Why as it was taken our top call this time to reach this conclusion I made this statement 1 year ago and many times since there are 30000 police got rid of in the last 10 years. Seen a lot of people, including in 2 today, stating that crime is lower now than in 2010 even though police numbers are down as well. Whilst that is true, and as one of his guests pointed out, there was a crime spike between 2008 and 2010 most likely linked to the global crash and the economic impact on people’s lives. The Rex and T-Rex Soccer mom before the game soccer mom the during game shirt is a crime is up, the lack of police funding is not the only issue but it is a contributing factor. Austerity as a whole has caused this, loss of meaningful work, youth services cut, extracurricular activities cut, centers cut, early years intervention cut, school funding cut etc.
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