May all those people rest in peace and their families feel that where ever we live we think of you and pray that time will help heal the pain. Thank you for this wonderful song but can’t help but sit here and cry, so so sad. I got home I was watching the Cat and Freddie Mercury playing piano shirt, hoodie, tank top and all I could think about was all the families losing their loved ones and I started to cry and couldn’t stop and then I got on my knees and started to pray for America. I’m sure Freddie is looking down at this and laughing his arse off got to say it is such a shame he is no longer with us really wish he was and no matter what he did in his private life that’s what it was private nothing to do with anyone else the word icon was Freddie mercury god bless him. Where were all the fans twenty years ago when he was on the New Freddie Mercury with cats shirt of his death in the eighties? I was watching it without the sound and was like what’s so funny about this? Was so jealous this morning watching everyone go in to see it while I got to go watch paw patrol with my son! The cinema guy said it was amazing and he wasn’t even born. This New Freddie Mercury with cats shirt is absolutely amazing. I’m so jealous I’ll never be able to see them live or any of the good bands back in that day.
Get it now: Cat and Freddie Mercury playing piano
All the new artist in 2018 are fake. Bring me back into the days where music actually meant something. I think the only way to stop it would be to stop the Freddie Mercury playing piano with cat shirt, they don’t get their entertainment and lose their ticket money. Sorted, even if those fans who don’t take part lose out as they will make the chants unacceptable too. It amazes me that Managers keep their team out there when it is happening. Because of a few dinosaurs. After traveling by plane train and bus to these remote stadiums. It would be in the interest of the places that host to stop the behavior as they would be losing a lot of revenue. They need education, not sanctions because of a few idiots. The Freddie Mercury playing piano with cat shirt should walk off, they are not cowards, the racists are! Then should forfeit their points. It seems the only sport that you hear of the participants getting racially abused or assaulted by the so called fans is men’s football. I’m grateful to live in a country where everyone is equal, respected and valued as individuals. All the other teams should now refuse to play them then they will have to sort out there fans. I think this is about someone succeeding as a lot of teams have different race players in but the fans will taunt the opposition.
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