The system is failing our children n yes there r teachers who are there because it is there passion and love to help there children to succeed in each class. But it is sad, the number who are more there for the money / pay check. Coats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt There are teachers and counsellors among other staff, peers at the schools who make children feel they are not good enough, smart enough or worthy to be there. So many students so many who do not want to be there. You know who you are, you know what you bring, you know how you treat the children. You know how you teach. Bottom line you know if your doing everything to help students try to do there best and reach for their dreams. Only you know and your students. You are not in control of how others teach or treat students. Goats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt, hoodie, tank top. Only you are in control of yourself and your lessons and if you help those children succeed then you give yourself a pat on the back and be proud. Coats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt You are a rare gem. The children feel the energies around them. For those teachers who are inspiring and creating a path of opportunities and bringing a belief system to drive there passions and not leaving a child behind but helping them rise up. Thank you for you are the greatest asset in the education and we need more who believe in each child.
Get it now: Goats make me happy humans make my head hurt
Listening to them and guiding them, so our children can strive to live there dreams and passions. and I still remember being told by a teacher almost 60 years ago that my English was of a low standard as my essays were not descriptive enough. English was my second language!!! To this day her words still have impact. When children receive positive comments they’ll prosper. has been hijacked by everyone essentially making you have to defend OUR profession all over again. No one has posted about an amazing teacher they had and how they encouraged them to achieve. All I see are complaints, it’s unfortunate that there are some teachers that do this but THIS IS NOT THE MAJORITY. In the age of social media, a complaint goes miles farther than a compliment! Goats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt is a nice shirt. Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated by humans. The most recent genetic analysis confirms the archaeological evidence that the wild Bezoar ibex of the Zagros Mountains is the likely original ancestor of probably all domestic goats today. Neolithic farmers began to herd wild goats primarily for easy access to milk and meat, as well as to their dung, which was used as fuel, and their bones, hair and sinew for clothing, building and tools. The earliest remnants of domesticated goats dating 10,000 years before present are found in Ganj Dareh in Iran. Goat remains have been found at archaeological sites in Jericho, Choga Mami, Djeitun, and Çayönü, dating the domestication of goats in Western Asia at between 8000 and 9000 years ago.
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