It all started at 20 years old on stage at the NFL draft when my dream came true. Rob Gronkowski Patriots Thank You For The Memories, and now here I am about to turn 30 in a few months with a decision I feel is the biggest of my life so far. I will be retiring from the game of football today. I am so grateful for the opportunity that Mr. New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski thank you for the memories shirt, hoodie, tank top. Kraft and Coach Belichick gave to me when drafting my silliness in 2010. My life experiences over the last 9 years have been amazing both on and off the field. The people I have meet, the relationships I have built, the championships I have been apart of, I just want to thank the whole New England Patriots organization for every opportunity I have been giving and learning the great values of life that I can apply to mine. Rob Gronkowski Patriots Thank You For The Memories.
Thank you to all of Pats Nation around the world for the incredible support since I have been apart of this 1st class organization. Thank you for everyone accepting who I am and the dedication I have put into my work to be the best player I could be. I agree it’s a step towards the better, I do have a confliction on exactly how long it will take those same 535 to agree upon it, or accept, pass it etc. I’m not the sweet mom next door I’m the crazy Bitch down the street. They can’t figure out a stoneage technology so I think that much law verbage will seriously defeat their capacity to govern simple thought much less a nation. It’s we the people from both sides walk up to their door and tell them hello, we’re the citizens you got X amount of time before we invoke our right to overthrow the government and Implement a legitimate National Vote. Remember they would like nothing more then to keep us divided. If 325 Million US citizens show up on the door step. Guarantee they start doing as they’re told.
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