This is what we get when we let the If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt is very critical of her, yeah that’s definitely off base. No it’s an anti Omar display of a disgusting elected politician that obviously is anti America and has a twisted agendaAnd some ignorant wacko whom I got into it with the other day called the Democrats the party of racism. This thing isn’t a rep in fact she isn’t nor will she ever be American. S. AA(DOS)Meanwhile Kim Jong un was not responsible for Otto’s death, or his uncle’s, nor his half brother. The democratic party has abandoned and castigated Omar in a year that If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt, hoodie, tank top, supposed to celebrate diversity, fresh ideas, and fresh faces. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. He has been charged with corruption and she is right to question all the help his country is getting that could be of assistance to other people. After 9 11 our president told us to be vigilant to anything suspicious and this If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt is suspicious. Stand your ground ladies, the more the dry old dinosaurs go at you, the more you know you’re doing it right.
Buy it now: If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up
The GOP are scared to death of the new ladies, and per script they attack what they fear. Trying to do some DISTRACTIONS It’s the If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt voted her into office that’s what the people wanted. Politics be dammed; this should have been immediately condemned at the highest level, and I am genuinely embarrassed for my country. While a child, she came to America as a refugee worked her way up and won an election, and yet still not good enough for the MAGA’s. Deirdre Mooney the If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt is that by no vaccinating they are putting others at risk just not their kids if u actually believe that then children will all be gone soon. Ok that’s fine but if any kids get sick Ms Mooney’s got to pay for it. It’s harmful to themselves and everyone around them, but why rob them of choice, right. Deirdre Mooney by that If you’ve never owned a pitbull please shut up shirt drinking and driving should be okay because it’s your choice, even if it harms others. Winrar Panta Being anti vax is one of the few ways that can prevent person’s genes from continuing in the gene pool even after that person gives birth. You can’t choose to put your child, and the lives of countless other kids at risk.
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