I’m stumped that trash piles going ignored like this. I can’t be held responsible for what happens when you drink with me around a campfire shirt rarely see trash laying about, when i do its often at recycling stations where some lazy fucks cant be bothered to place in the containers and just dumps it nearby. That’s what I was thinking. I didn’t want to sound like a dick but I have a feeling these challenges are just a fad that will fizzle out in a few months. It’s great they are making a dent in the problem but it would be much nicer to focus on the production side of the issue. Sincere props to those helping the clean their areas though. I live in the US so it’s shocking to see just how bad other parts of the world are. I can’t be held responsible for what happens when you drink with me around a campfire shirt know you mean well (actually, given the suspicious timing of this campaign, I can’t be sure of this either) but this is a very dangerous and seriously misinformed/naive attitude.
This hashtag cleans maybe a few thousand areas in a few thousand parks of waste that will still find its way to landfill, even as the real problem – our ongoing and increasing production of plastic and it’s proliferation everywhere – worsens and the rate at which it’s worsening worsens too. Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally – their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. Last year, I went on a life-changing trip. I set out expecting a lot. I came back with things that went way beyond anything I’d ever imagined. You were one of them. As much as I’d like to think you were a happy accident, fact remains that the universe’s conspiracy was only till it brought us together. Beyond that, you didn’t happen to me. I Can’t Be Held Responsible For What Happens When You Drink With Me Around a Campfire. You chose me. And I chose you. I’m glad, because I couldn’t have asked for better. We’ve been up and about at 6am to not waste a minute in a new city and we’ve also stayed up till 3am, just chilling in our pyjamas, eating Nutella from the jar and talking about life. We’ve meticulously planned itineraries only to toss them away for a spontaneous, crazy idea. We’ve buried our noses in maps and memorized metro routes but ended up getting lost anyway. We’ve tried and failed. We’ve laughed and groaned. I Can’t Be Held Responsible For What Happens When You Drink With Me Around a Campfire. We’ve lived. We’ve grown. When I’m locked out of our Paris apartment at midnight with a dead cell phone, you’re there so that I can scream your name from the road and get the door open.
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