Do you really believe that Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt black people are gunned down for no reason whatsoever and Justice is not served. BrThis is Amerikkka, do you really believe that is such thing as real Justice when it comes to people of color or minority communities. Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt, hoodie, tank top. Ok, why are officers shooting, tasing individuals that have there hands up or running away. If they are running away out of your house you can’t because they no longer pose a threat. The law states that Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt are coming at you, you can shoot them. I’ll bet if the situation was reversed they would have found good reason to charge himYet he’s following cops orders and yet he’s killed. I guess being on your knees with your hands in the Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt is justifiable for use of deadly force. They have met there year quota for Sending officers to jailMeanwhile, this man resisted arrest, attacked police, stole police car and lived. Unfortunately a black officer would have been charged But doesn’t he have his hands up and is looking the other way. I cry bull because if you can put Bill Cosby in jail base upon the Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt can’t they do the same for these cops they have on tape killing innocent black men. She had absolutely no reason to think there was any threat to her or anyone else.
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There was plenty of evidence, like the chopper recording above, the body cams and the cams from their cruisers. Any cop can murder any of us anytime for no reason and get away with it even if it’s recorded. Shows how Nazified the Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt is now rubber stamping reTHUGlican led violence against those who aren’t privileged. America isn’t so great because of this kind of ignorant mentality of baseless fear that’s fueled from the top downShe shot him with his hands in the air. Got to be effing kidding. Aussies would rip the Hocus Pocus bottoms up witches shirt off the barman and shave off his beer not one glass has been filled to overflowing so not achieving maximum perfecticity new Aussie word by any stretch of the imagination. Additionally, a glass of beer without good head is like a woman named linda lovelace who doesnt go down – no head equals useless.
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