I’d rather pay more and buy British, we do on milk and eggs already. Neil Campbell they already produce 70% the I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a Mama Llama shirt have been long put out of business by us importing. Perhaps you should take some geography lessons before making comments about fruit and vegetable sources and Brexit Thomas Ryan Clemence what European country does pineapples come from again. His answer was they will be even more expensive after Brexit I looked at him and asked how long Brazil had been part of the I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a Mama Llama shirt, hoodie, tank top. He just looked at me and I then I said. I commented to a department manager in a well known supermarket how much the grapes had gone up in a short time. And if you are suggesting we go back to eating seasonal fruit and veg because of Brexit, I’d hate to say it but you are naively mistaken.
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My comment didn’t address obesity Maria, eating seasonal fruit and veg, and Brexit are two very different topics. We all still eat veg & fruit from whatever Country and not bothered with pollution which of course is a big Greenie scam. Yes I know we could import more from Israel but personally I never buy anything from that I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a Mama Llama shirt Anderson not allowed every week then. Judy Oatham not sure how not having access to peaches, nectarines etc is going to solve the I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a Mama Llama shirt crisis. Maria Anderson we had strawberries on TV yesterday grown in here in Britain due to the warm weather. We will be having ration books next, like post ww2 and joining a cue when we see one in anticipation of a treat arrived in the shop. Maria Anderson then dont vote for something that I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a Mama Llama shirt such great impact on the rest of us who can’t grow what I wantMaria Anderson I don’t want to go back to the dark ages thanks. But not your pineapples, exotic fruits that we’re so used to having all year round Strawberries are disgusting unless they’re british Maria Anderson since when are pineapples in season in the highlands of Scotland. Check air pollution contributions just to shift food around the globe and select What’s In Season. As the percentages of children born on the I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a mama Llama shirt have increased dramatically as each of these technologies have become more common in everyday life. There is also a chance I could get struck by lightning but that doesn’t make me hide in my basement during a thunderstorm. When I was a kid I knew no one else who had a sibling like mine. How can there be such an increase if mercury/thimerosal was discontinued in vaccines in 1992?
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