Let us not forget the I never dreamed i’d grow up to be a crazy grandma but here i am killing it shirt, hoodie, tank top are rapidly taking America very close to eternal doom by killing little innocent babiesMorality on the left is dead. Why don’t we just publish a list of Democrats that are NOT running for the Presidency. Now these are same people that I Never Dreamed I’d Grow Up To Be A Crazy Grandma But Here I Am Killing It shirt hope that the American people learned something from the idiot in the White House now. Well, the country could use a moral awakening but it also need someone with a knowledge of history, politics, the constitution, diplomacy, global events, civics, how the government works, etc. Trump will get re elected because half of Democrats are moderates and half and Communists. They care about their country, they’re selfless, you know they know how to budget (cause most run on a shoestring budget), and I’m pretty sure most can manage a properly written tweet. John AdamsHere’s an idea: instead of all of these people who know how to sell themselves, let’s get people who run shelters and community outreach programs to run for president. Unfortunately it’s split in two side 1 side supports Trump and MAGA and the I Never Dreamed I’d Grow Up To Be A Crazy Grandma But Here I Am Killing It shirt wants to destroy America.
Theses are the people that because trump was elected, think they can crawl out of the woodwork and become president wth. Well anybody can but not everybody should i saw her interview today and she just wants to talk about Things. Religion is the I Never Dreamed I’d Grow Up To Be A Crazy Grandma But Here I Am Killing It shirt belong in the same sentence as a political statement. Religion constantly tries to force moral standards to match whatever parts of their ‘holy book’ they are trying to promote. She should get some advice, maybe from Donald Trump on how to greet other Women. It is cyclone season happens every year. The I never dreamed I’d grow up to be a crazy grandma but here I am killing it shirt will bring much needed rainfall. It’s most powerful in 5 years. This big does not happen every year. That size hitting landfall at the same time is even rarer. Hope my family ok out there. Racists cannot stop cyclone. Let’s all go Winchester have a nice cold pint of fosters and wait for it all to blow over jokes aside stay safe Australia. To all of my Australian friends take care and stay safe if these are heading your I never dreamed I’d grow up to be a crazy grandma but here I am killing it shirt. Stay strong! Demand environmental policies! seriously mate I ain’t saying its a good thing it’s happening, am i. Only saying about the name of it. Ask a meteorologist how they name these cyclones and hurricanes.
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