I’m homeless due to medical issues and get very little for my 40 years hard labors in social security. Llama people should seriously stop expecting normal from me we all know shirt, hoodie, tank top. But after I’m done paying off the 6 crown in dentist fees I’ll be sure to send what I can. Most humbled in doing so. No doubt your job is commendable but mind you, young lady, as long as the surplus of many goes straight into the coffers of the selected few that ends up with the concentration of wealth in few hands that decidedly divides the human society into HAVES and HAVENOTS, there shall be human sufferings, poverty, 2018 fallen heroes honor the fallen shirt want and depravation and disease….. and, last but not the least, the strengent laws to protect the interests of the ruling clique! it’s one thing for people that have money to give to send money to things like this. For you to give from your heart when you have what sounds like nothing is really something. I hope you’re blessed in everything you do and find a way to get peace of your own. People like Maggie are few and rare but agencies like UN are many and fage so you decide you want to support rare true individual personality or fage institutions what I needed to see!!! I’m teaching my 10 yr old daughter compassion and empathy in contrast to the majority of the world now and if IF you had room for Eden and myself to help over a summer holidays (I currently work in secondary education assisting the learning in particular of special educational need students, autism, ADHD etc and having been a police officer).
We would love to help out purely for a roof over our heads n scraps x You, Dee Dee and your fledgling organisation are inspiring, as was my daughter on watching this film. I guess their woman first mentality is just talking points, much like their anger at sexual assult and racism seeing the Harry Potter Otter shirt being both. She is the definition of a strong woman, but the liberals love to tear her down. Haha patheticStrangely never saw any Imelda Marcos or (insert any African Asian dictator’s wife) similar art over the years. I’m an Aboriginal who grew up in a white town, tell me how is THIS bullying. And now imagine you had a father who stereotypes whole ethnic and religious groups as drug dealers, prostitutes and terrorists. Good art should raise debate and ask questions which is what this Harry Potter Otter shirt done so it has succeeded. It’s a bit hypocritical for people to be anti bullying and feminist but then give a free pass when it’s a woman they don’t like. Could they find a donnie look a like and Chuck him on there too. History will look back and cringe at how the Harry Potter Otter shirt are treated by people. If this Harry Potter Otter shirt would be seething with rage. Being mocked by a blackface slaveattitude alike or any racist way because he supports Trump. Hilarious how much butthurt this generated, you’d think some troll compared her to an ape or something. What a good way to express feminism than degrading a woman to clean the Harry Potter Otter shirt job to hoover the floor. If it were Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton or any Democrat woman, the knives and pitchforks would be flyingInsecure people would like to control people.
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