As a Prophet I get a kick out of humans who claim to know God; His wants, His needs, His expectations, etc… None of you humans know our Creator. You spew nonsensical rhetoric, using only specifics from the Bible to suit your Scrub life with my scrub wife nurse shirt. My Father (your God) doesn’t look kindly upon that. If you actually look into pro-Trump FB accounts, you start to notice they have no friends and look a lot like dummy accounts created to praise Trump. Bots love Trump. Poor Mikey can’t handle the actual facts are President Trump has more supporters then he can handle, but let’s claim Bots because that’s a great talking point for failing Dems. Christian Klenow you people wouldn’t be happy no matter what Trump said or done that was a terrible thing but if you are ok with killing babies the day before they are born your opinion don’t count for much. Nurse scrub life with my scrub wife shirt, hoodie, tank top. Catherine Wilde Let’s talk about all the police officers that were targeted and shot dead during Obama’s realm, did he denounce that, hell none did not, he encouraged it! Greg Hand Trump is supported by White Supremacists and the KKK. So indirectly his actions are enabling and encouraging White Supremacist Terrorists. Nadine Tamara Wall Harrell ah yes, Obama, out there calling for people to kill the Scrub life with my scrub wife nurse shirt – that’s EXACTLY what happened. In reference to the Dallas sniper, Obama denounced the sniper, calling it “a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.
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I believe that I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified over these events and that we stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas.” He further stated, “There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement.” Obama on the Baton Rouge police attacks, “For the second time in two weeks, police officers who put their lives on the line for ours every day were doing their job when they were killed in a cowardly and reprehensible assault. These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop.” But do tell, when did Obama not denounce violence against police? Where did he encourage it? I’ll wait while you adjust your tinfoil hat. President Trump called the attack evil. He never said, “white supremacists are fine people”. He said there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville, VA march, and there were. I get facts aren’t a priority or anything, but several of the marchers were simply protesting taking down statues that had historical significance. They weren’t racists, they just wanted to protect history, both good and bad. Shirin Qadir So are we to hold Sen Bernie Sanders responsible for the shooting of Steve Scalise? Said shooter was a HUUUGE Bernie fan. Are we to hold President Obama responsible for the rash of cop killings during his administration, as the President regularly sided against police regarding any particular issue? Christian Klenow Christians are killed most part of the world daily (ie Kaduna Nigeria), news media aren’t alarmed by it yet they easily call out on New Zealand case, have we asked why Christians are massacred and why nothing is done about it? It’s so biased of these news media, CNN inclusive.Nadine Tamara Wall Harrell ah yes, Obama, out there calling for people to kill the Scrub life with my scrub wife nurse shirt – that’s EXACTLY what happened. In reference to the Dallas sniper, Obama denounced the sniper, calling it “a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.
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