Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 3, 2019

[Official] Vegeta I Offended You, What Does It Feel Like to Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You shirt, hoodie, tank top

Vegeta is one of the primary protagonists of the Dragon Ball franchise, especially Dragon Ball R. He is the prince of the fallen Saiyan race, one of the last full-blooded Saiyans alive, and, like his rival, Son Goku, is one of the Z Fighters who defend the Earth.Vegeta I Offended You, What Does It Feel Like to Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You shirt, hoodie, tank top. He is the husband of Bulma Brief and the father of Trunks, his only son. At forty-two years of age, Vegeta is a rather short member of the Saiyan species from Planet Vegeta — standing several inches shorter than Goku. His hair stands up tall, forming a widows peak; a trademark of his appearance. He wears a sleeveless, dark blue shirt with matching pants, and the trademark white boots and gloves of standard Saiyan battle armor. Like Goku, and most other Saiyans, Vegeta is highly muscular and possesses a tan skin-color, being otherwise indistinguishable with humans. Vegeta I Offended You, What Does It Feel Like to Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You shirt is a nice shirt that you should have if you love Vegeta.
homepage: AtlashirtsVegeta I Offended You, What Does It Feel Like to Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You women tank topVegeta I Offended You, What Does It Feel Like to Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You women v-neck shirt
 Vegeta is the polar opposite of his close friend, and greatest rival, Goku, in terms of personality; being consistently arrogant throughout the franchise, boastful, and highly prideful. Vegeta was initially antagonistic, caring for nothing more than gaining immortality with the Dragon Balls and defeating the tyrant Frieza, who had destroyed his people along with his home of Planet Vegeta. After meeting “Kakarot” on Earth, Vegeta becomes obsessed with the notion of becoming a Super Saiyan, so that he could kill both Frieza and Goku. Vegeta remains his evil self after Frieza’s death on Namek, deciding to consume himself with his rivalry with Goku, aiming towards the goal of becoming a Super Saiyan at all costs. After he eventually does become a Super Saiyan, his arrogance seems to double, believing himself to be the strongest warrior in the universe, even after being outclassed by Android 18 and then again after his battle with Semi-Perfect Cell. During this time, Vegeta doesn’t seem to care a single bit about his wife, Bulma, or newborn son, Trunks. Following the Cell Games, however, Vegeta undergoes a significant change.

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