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It all started in June, my wife started acting very weird, everything little thing, she gets angry at every little thing and then one day I suggested to her that we should go for counseling in order to make our marriage work but she bluntly refused and told me she wanted to move out. Our ‘arguments’ are more like discussions than actual arguments. And no matter how exasperated or angry we get at each other, we never yell at each other or call each other names or say some expletives. If one of us does something that offends the other, we don’t attack the person, just the deed. So it’s very difficult to think of an argument that really hurt because our arguments/discussions never leave us with scars. And we know how to apologize to each other after our ‘arguments’. We both believe that an argument or a fight is not one person’s fault. Both contributed to the argument/fight and managed to hurt the other so we both apologize. So yes, three years (it’s not that long, I know) and still very much happy with each other.
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