What next, asking for land that Stitch mouse ears and cold beers shirts of years ago to be returned. To add insult to injury he sat on me to make sure they were well out of sight. I want an apology from the pizza place for giving me a cheeseburger grinder with red sauce on it and not mayo.Chris Schwing I would take it just for the lowered sex drive, Life must be a hell of a lot easier to cope with that way. There are also plenty of medications already out there with side effects that affect male hormones sex drive and cause impotency. Could I get an apology from Mexico for the Stitch mouse ears and cold beers shirt in my 20s when I slept under a boat on Hayling beach after too much tequila. Perhaps they should have asked for some of the money (gold, silver, jewels) that Spain and Portugal stole and also gave to the Catholic Church. People must learn from history to ensure mistakes are not repeated, instead of trying to correct it. At the Stitch mouse ears and cold beers shirt, we need to let things go and make sure that it never, ever happens again, that is the only way we will move forward.
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Maybe if you decide to return all the stolen gold the people will start to move fwd. It’s funny how people say to move on an such but tend to forget that they recurrent wealth stems from rape, pillage, and murder. And there was me thinking the Stitch mouse ears and cold beers shirt was responsible for all the world’s ills I would think he should have more important things on his plate like drug cartels, maybe think about social services, etc. I recommend you read more about how despite polices set in place against us we still thrive. Well, they brought the Catholic Church with them, and they have a say in politics, and force the rest of us to live according to their beliefs. Colonisation was the Stitch mouse ears and cold beers shirt that could have happened to humanity and its effects are pretty much still visible in the colonised countries. By creating an entire new race, mestizo (persons of mixed race, especially one having Spanish and indigenous descent) that exists today, that otherwise would not have existed if the conquistadors had stayed home or been killed. I know when I was young queer was derogatory now it is not and the LGBTQ are reclaiming it.
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