I’m serious yall if you want a late night laugh flip it over to Cuomo and lemon head pure entertainment and enjoyment to see those stage 3 and 5 trump derangement syndrome talking heads trying to conjure up the next “bombshells”. Part of me thinks they should leave Jeff right where he is. He’s doing a fantastic job of driving that bus right off of a cliff. But I gotta wonder, how the hell that tool has kept his job this long? When I’m in an airport and forced to listen to CNN, I laugh when the fake masters spin the “news”. Treat it like a comedy show. Laughter is contagious. People start laughing along with you. There’s a lot of ppl that hate CNN. Tuned in the following Monday after the Mueller report memo came out to see their reaction. Needless to say, I changed the channel after hearing them spout the same rhetoric they had been lying as bout since the election. CNN probably could care less. Let’s face it, if they were a real news media outlet why wouldn’t they be more concerned with the criticism they’ve taken for reporting false news. They haven’t been and that kind of attitude is not consistent with a company that is in competition with other mainstream media. On the Easily distracted by The Beatles shirt, they’ve doubled down, and it tends to make me believe they’re nothing more than a propaganda tool of the CIA solely for the purpose of conditioning the minds of less educated people to believe what they feed them.
Link to buy it now: Easily Distracted by The Beatles
A CIA mind control operation. This goes out to my daughter Shelby. She is a amazing girl…has had many times to over come things..but she always comes out fighting…She is caring ..living and a trusted friend… cousin… niece.. granddaughter..and of course A beautiful daughter…I love you everyday more and more. You bring happiness where ever you go…..you treat ever with respect…. don’t get me wrong. You make mistakes .. but you are on the right road to a bright future. .I love from here to the moon and back..love ya Beana I love you honey with all my heart and Easily distracted by the beatles shirt yes I am so proud of who you have become and when you were a baby you were so beautiful and that beauty followed you to this day and I will add even back when you were little you were strong willed and had a mind of your own which has taken you through a lot of tough times in your life and made you the woman you are today!!!!! Love you to the moon and back
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