Hell hath no fury like a pissed off woman with an Irish Mug and shirt. Get it now or Regret later. This is the official design. Available all shapes for men and women. Click it and enjoy this. My son, 30 years old, died by suicide one month ago today. We had no idea he was fighting such a battle. He left behind such heartbreak. For his parents, his sister, his 5 year old son. Unicorn I’m so grumpy im not even talking to myself mug His students. And now we are not allowed to see our grandson. I know he could never have envisioned the fallout through his pain. my dear pay no attention to silly comments and opinions. I feel your pain girl. Remember God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son who was crucified for our sins. Just know that those you have lost are in a better place. God has a reason for everything. We may not know what the reason is but just let the will of God be done. God bless you. God is with you He knows your pain and Unicorn I’m so grumpy im not even talking to myself mug He will see you through hun slows us to go thru tragedy to bring us thru n strengthen us to be able to reach out to someone going thru what we made it thru I believe.
click to buy now: Hell hath no fury like a pissed off woman with an Irish
After my sons murder n went back to work GOD brought me into contact with 10 mothers who had gone thru deaths of THIER CHILDREN n hear about n us share BECAUSE I had gone thru n used me to share the scripture I wish to find that light, life is very grim from where I am. I can’t carry on, life is too hard, maybe in death I’ll find peace. I’ve been in and out of depression but this time around I’m giving up. There’s no light in hope, except disappointment and shame. This Hell hath no fury like a pissed off woman with an Irish shirt is for you if you are a Irish woman. Most massive personalities are generated from a very young age. Traditional Irish families were large. Parents were busy and attention was scarce, and so it was important to establish yourself as a ‘character’, thereby guaranteeing a disproportionate share of your parents’ affection. If that didn’t work, you were reduced to bed-wetting. A guaranteed way to become the most celebrated child in an Irish family is to start swearing at a very young age. If an Irish child has reached the age of three and has not yet started effing and blinding, there will be a certain amount of familial concern. The inoffensive child may be brought for a hearing test or even a developmental check. There will be huge relief all around when eventually the slow starter calls Granny ‘a bollox’. Everyone will fall around laughing, delighted with the child. The child’s mother will proudly relate the story to her friends and colleagues. All of this will have taught the youngster two valuable lessons about being Irish: firstly, a lack of vocabulary is easily remedied by cursing, and secondly, as long as you can make people laugh, you will be loved by everybody in Ireland.
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