This will just give them the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt would take up too much room I like to travel, but airlines continue to find every way possible to make me hate them. I bet you ANYTHING that if airlines adopt this, their super economy class will be the same price as a now economy seat. I myself have one of those conditions, I cant event sit or lay down for 3 hours without being in lots of pain. Margo Sambrook Madge even if it’s just 3 hours, most people with chronic pain disorders cannot stand for 3 hours straight without being in extreme pain and causing flare ups. That is insanely offensive to me and other survivors of the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt fridgidare freezer war of ’06. People are too entrenched in their camps and should take humor like this in their stride without knee jerk reactions all the time. I’m not a Trump supporter, follow CNN and still found the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt very funny.
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We just dont like the deranged president who is selling our country out forPeople should chill out. Jean Jones I am also on my way to work so you loser Democrats can eat and have electricity for another day. If there were one Trump channel and only one facts reality channel, it would crush Fox by 35 points. Only reason Fox is the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt rated is because there are half a dozen other networks that the non Trumpers split time between. Nothing like dropping, mentally deleting and cherrypickinng through what you hear and read if it doesn’t suit your story plan. Jt Williams you must be from 1 of the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt Mexican countries Fox News spoke about Jt Williams Or, read the comments and interpretations from CNN reader’s. I’m a Fox News fan but not the only one and when you try to marginalize people for watching the most highly rated news network (FOX NEWS) you marginalize yourself. If someone doesnt believe that they’re blind sheepleI think CNN and their followers are a bunch of deranged Trump haters and I can guarantee that someone at CNN tried to use this story to make our President look bad.
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