The GOP and trump have no ethics. That’s the government for you. They don’t actually listen to the People. So, I wonder how they would feel if they traded places with those farm Bryce Harper gritty phanatic pulp fiction shirt. Would they enjoy a life of torture before being killed? They have no compassion whatsoever. Along with dirtier water and air, we will have less control over our food choices all around. Producers will be able to do what makes them the most money. Atheist here, also.. I am a good, kind person. a pacifist a giver to charity, a nurturer of my Bryce Harper gritty phanatic pulp fiction shirt and grandchildren and now caregiver to my very old mom, and a volunteer in my community. These traits I learned from my parents and good people around me, NOT from the church of my childhood which was judgmental and unforgiving. There are many religious folks that have these traits as well, but unfortunately too many if them that do not. You can be a good person with our religion.
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Everyone needs to keep in mind that the two most important lines here are “You don’t have to force them to believe,” and “They pray to God as well.” Respecting different religions and the ways they choose to worship God is a sign of spiritual maturity. This is a religious man, not a malicious or insensitive one. I understand how that sounds, but he may never have seen the right example. I don’t know anything about him, but the few details he provided show that his life is very different from mine. I just don’t want people jumping down his throat for what is actually a really progressive idea. I don’t agree there is anything progressive about this, it’s more like a Bryce Harper gritty phanatic pulp fiction shirt situation. There is nothing progressive about forcing religion on children. Progressive would be giving children knowledge on all world religions and cultures.
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