Dogs Tell me it’s just a dog and i’ll tell you you’re just an idiot shirt is a great shirt. “Dog is a man’s best friend, is something I realized quite early in my life when our dog came into our lives. When we got him from one of our relative’s house, we packed him in a box with a tiny hole for him to breathe. I guess he must have felt exactly how “Alex” of Madagascar felt like, but within no time he adapted himself and became a part of our family. Then we weren’t very creative so named him “Tiger” but unlike his name he used to be a sort of coward boy. ” there are people who care and there are the ones that dont it is better to be with people who care i am sorry that they treat mental health in such a bad way people need to learn to treat it better I used to have bouts of depression. I felt ignored, unwanted and rejected. One day in particular I was feeling so depressed so lonely and so bad because of someone’s rejection that when I got to the house I literally heard a voice tell me to slam my kids against the wall.
Click to buy it: Dogs Tell me it’s just a dog and i’ll tell you you’re just an idiot
Tell me it’s just a dog and I’ll tell you that you’re just an idiot shirt I started screaming to them to put their coats on, they were little at the time, and I ran to the hospital down the street where the social worker spoke to me for a while when I explained to them what was happening and what I had heard. Fast forward I found my way to the Lord, and though many May laugh and not believe it, I found my peace. I found that there is a God who loves me who takes care of me who accepts me in every way and changes with love what he needs to change in my life. And I found that he gave his son in my place on the cross so that I could enter into this love and into his kingdom. I pray that you and all others can call on him in your moments of despair and find that the same way he answered me when I found myself on the floor crying because I thought my world had ended. He led me to a new beginning. God bless you guys
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