Now a days we can’t expect any work from our children .they refuses to do .they point out what they did for their parents . I’m a simple woman i love coffee sunflower and post malone shirt even cleaning and washing the pots also a great demand .May this video help to do the brainwash , I love these videos and agree with moms give birth and carry our children it’s amazing the strength they have. BUT. Let’s not forget the fathers. We can raise our children with selflessness and there are thousands of fathers out there who endure the same hardship when raising their children It all has meanings and we ppl forget . It’s like we need to relearn the important things in our lives and remember to love. Thank you keep them coming they do put tears in my heart. I’m a simple woman i love coffee sunflower and post malone shirt My moms been gone now for 7 years. Our dad died when we were all very young. So mom had to be two parents in one. Not being a very good child. I never knew how much mom did and how much she worried when I was growing up.
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I would stay out late as a kid and sure enough my mom was up until I walked in the door. Every birthday every Christmas we would have everything we wanted. When we were sick always there to make sure we wanted for nothing. Never wanting anything but to spend time with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. That was all she ever needed.Not knowing at the time she was going without. As I got older and married my self. With my wife and I seeing how it really is parenting. I can’t even being to imagine how she did it by herself. Mom I just want to say that I know I wouldn’t be here now without all you did for me. I’ll love you always. God bless you mom. I needed 2 forms of ID just to get a copy of my transcripts from H. Trump is a CONTROL freak and theres no way all the I’m a simple woman i love coffee sunflower and post malone shirt including Cohen knew everything about Russia and DNC emails etc without his knowledge. I believe as a lawyer he can only talk about what he can actually prove if he has to.
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