Jose Noel agreed. Imagine a Christian woman trying to serve in a Muslim country demanding a Bible to swear in and not to wear that thing in her head? Yeap, that would never happen. Patty Lantry that’s not true. And by the way, the Quran was based on the old testament with a little bit of Jesus thrown in. I don’t believe in religion so I don’t really care except to say but you are a bigot. That’s obvious. Becca Gecka Muslims countries kill homosexuals. Even if it isn’t in their ‘statutes’, they turn a blind eye to homosexuals being murdered. In the U.K 52% of Muslims in London [equivelent of cosmopolitan New York believe homosexuality should be banned. Jose Noel, Then I guess there won’t be any Chaplin’s in Congress, no more Pastors trying to influence their congregation. Stop with this racist crap. Not Al Muslims are bad. Oh, I forgot no more wearing of crucifix’s while you’re in the Senate or the Never underestimate an old man who drives a school bus shirt. Jose Noel are you aware that Catholic women often wear something on their heads at Mass? I think you would benefit by asking yourself, what would Jesus say about this issue. Remember the Good Samaritan. Jose Noel that’s part of her religion.
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That would be discrimination. But I don’t expect you to understand that, you know how cerebrally challenged individuals are about people of color. Separation of church and state actually means no religious system/ doctrine should intermingle within our Never underestimate an old man who drives a school bus shirt and it’s decision making, and yes that includes all religions not excluding Christianity! BTW wearing a hijab is in no way a religious doctrine just as wearing a crucifix or Star of David around your neck! The thing on her head is modeled after their understanding of Mary Jesus mother and is supported by new testament ideology. It’s not some foreign scary ideology. Jose Noel Freedom of religion means take that knee-jerk bigotry out of your brain and let people do as they wish. Separating church and state means not imposing your faith on legislation and constituents. Muslim Taseer your handle says it all. One tooth tobacco spitting undereducated basement dweller greasy haired welfare collecting low life woman hitting meth user POS. I need this Never underestimate an old woman who drives a school bus shirt. Really awesome that you’re donating but you should probably just donate straight to mom’s cuz it would probably hit be healthier for everybody honestly. To be perfectly honest it would probably be just as good to be a wet nurse for people. What nurses have been around for centuries and they don’t pasteurize or add to the milk they just nursed other people’s babies. Props to this Mom for helping out I just think that milk Banks should be doing in a little bit differently. I have a couple of RN colleagues who produced such copious amounts of breast milk that they donated to breast milk banks.
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